
on and off the mat
29.08.2020, Schloss Schielleiten, Stubenberg, Steiermark, Österreich. Setukara Yogatage. // Fotos Daniela Leitgeb

Yoga & Mindfulness

Benefits of a regular yoga practise

For me yoga is a way to get to know yourself better. To understand yourself as a unique and beautiful being. To appreciate all of yourself. Yoga makes us more aware of the world around us and helps to make us more compassionate and accepting towards others. I want to create a world were everyone is encouraged to live their true self.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a energizing practice which combines different positions (asanas) into a flow. This can sometimes feel like dancing with your own breath. 
Inversions are for me a way to help you dive deeper into your inner child, get playful and build self esteem while staying patient with the process.
Yin Yoga is a very calm practice where we focus on the inside. By experiencing comfort and discomfort physically we can observe if our mind is controlling our actions or we are controlling our mind.


Benefits of regular meditation

The more we practice to bring ourself in a state of acceptance and inner peace, the easier we will archive it in our daily life. Through meditation we create space wich allows us to observe things from the outside. Stepping out of our emotions and thoughts.

26.-30.08.2020, Schloss Schielleiten, Stubenberg, Steiermark, Österreich. Setukara Yogatage. // Fotos Chrisi

What people say about my work


"Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists."

- Patanjali -