For me, movement is a celebration of life
and a way to express gratitude
towards body & mind

I need your help
Hi, my name is Chrisi – AcroYoga & Yoga teacher from Austria, travelling to share my passion
My life is in constant change and therefor a regular practice for my mental balance is very important. Through different trainings I experienced the impact of a daily practice on THE WAY I THINK, I FEEL and I ACT.
This inspires me to help others to strengthen their connection to their body & mind and free themselves from outer expectations.
This training will be accessible no matter of your body abilities, the time and money available.
Help me by filling out this survey!
my Offer for you
I offer a variety of classes online & in person.
Find out what fits best for you.

Online Courses
Join my yoga classes online from wherever you are. I offer a variation of styles: Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Handstand,..

Private Online classes
Get tailored classes for you and your body. You decide where you want to focus on. Meditation, Yin Yoga, handstands, strength,..

Book me for your event
I am open for collaborations for events, retreats or festivals around Europe.
Yoga everywhere - for everyone
I am currently traveling with my “YogaMobil” through Europe. Looking for new cooperations & opportunities to share Yoga & movement. Join me on my journey.
Online Yoga Studio
More infos coming soon
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